Tuesday 19 November 2013

Tales from Iceland

My water
We need to be careful not to pollute the air and take care of oru land and sea. We also need to treat the earth with care and dont trov rubbish all around us.
Natalia Nótt, 8 years old.
My water
We need to be careful of not polluting the air and the water. We should not throw garbage on the streets. Our country will be cleaner if we dont.
Katla Rún, 8 years old.
My water

I think that when we pollute the water with using cars and boats and just all the machines, then we begin to pollut the water we nead to drink. Then you need to buy all the water from the store and if we pollute all the water ther is not water anymore. Then we can not drink the water anymore and it's not good for the sea too polluted, the fish die andwe can not swimm in the sea.

Elísabet Lena, 8 years old.

I think that to keep the water clean in Iceland we should be good to the world and sometimes drive less and not throw stuff and junk in the ocean. And be good to our nature and maby walk to work. Go on a bike to work, then I know that Iceland has clean water cause we do the good things I said.
(Emilía Agata 8 years old wrote this in english just like it here.)

Our water
We dont throw garbage into the sea, because it can contaminate nature. We are so lucky that we can take a bath in clean water. It is forbidden to put toxins into the ground because they can go through the mud and into our water.
(Elísabet Drífa 8 ára.)
My water
 The water is  so important because we need it to survive, to li so we dont die. In some countries the water is not clean, therefore it is forbidden to drink it from the tap like in  Africa, Denmark, Asia, France and Finland.
(Viktoría Kristín 8 ára.)

"The river" Story from Spain

Building a new vegetables and fruit garden

From our Comenius Proyect, our teachers have decided to build a fruit and vegetables garden.


Eassys from Spain

Agriculture is the cultivation of land and includes all work related to the treatment of soil and planting. Agricultural activities are often aimed at food production and procurement of vegetables, fruit, vegetables and cereals.
Agriculture involves the transformation of the environment to meet human needs. This ability is what distinguishes humans from other living things.

First of all the man went from hunting, fishing and gathering to farming activities. Wheat and barley have been the earliest cultivated plants.
It is believed that people began to develop agriculture from certain climate changes that became warmer temperatures and scarce food hunting and gathering in certain regions.

With agriculture, increased food availability and increased the number of people worldwide. So that societies become sedentary and begin considering private ownership of real property.

There are many types of agriculture among which the rain-water is performed for the land without leverages its groundwater and rain, and irrigation, in which the farmer does add water to the ground.
Now, agricultural workers make use of technology and genetic engineering to improve soil productivity and crop. Even science has achieved the seeds are more resistant to pests and can be adapted to different climates and soils

From 6th grade

Agriculture is very important part of economy for the majority of the countries. Being the main occupation of the people in our town, about sixty four percent of our parents are employed in agriculture.
Agriculture provides us with food in the form of grains, vegetables, fruits and cereals.
It provides materials for many industries, it not only fulfils one of our essential needs but also gives support to industries.
There are many agricultural products from our town  which are exported, for example, wine, mushrooms, olive oil etc. The exportation  is now very important to develop and encourage  our agricultural sector.
From 5th grade

Monday 18 November 2013

Essay from Iceland - costline

Protecting the costline
We need to protect the costline because it is very important to all living creatures. If our costline will be contaminated by trash and/or oil it can have really serious consequences for everyone in Iceland.
If the birds will be waisted in oil, then they will die and decompose on the shore, then the sea will be filled with bacterias and animals will be infected by that and it can be dangerous to humans when they eat the fish from sea. We all need to help each other to keep the shore clean. The children in our school have been cleaning the shore, sadly many people are using the shore to throw trash. I hope we can do better in the future to protect the shore. 

French Essays about health

Protecting the earth is essential for our health.

The effects of air pollution on people :

Air pollution from factories, transportation... can cause respiratory diseases.

The effects of air pollution on humans :

The air pollution can cause health problems such as:
- Tingling in the throat,
- itchy  eyes ,
- allergies
- Cough,
- Asthma
- Respiratory diseases,
- Cancer.

Many people living in cities contract respiratory diseases like asthma.
The use of pesticides can affect the nervous system.

The immediate effect of air pollution :
We're talking about immediate effect when symptoms appear upon contact with the pollutant . Examples: tingling of the throat, itchy eyes , sneezing, coughing ...

Causes of allergies :
1 mites,
2 pollens,
3 some foods,
4 some chemicals,
5 medications,
6 other such as animals.

The most sensitive people to air pollution :
1 children
2 sick,
3 elderly
4 pregnant women.

The effects of air pollution on nature (animals and plants) :

The effects of air pollution on animals are the same than for men.
Moreover, the use of pesticides causes the extinction of pollinators like bees, butterflies, and we may lack fruits and vegetables we need to stay healthy.
The effects of air pollution on plants are also :
- Acidification of the leaves by the rain
- Growth problems (poor soil quality).

The effects of air pollution on buildings, materials :

With air pollution and acid rain, materials age faster and buildings become black  .

Solutions against the air pollution :

- Take the bike for short trips
- Walk to school
- Avoid the cars on short trips
- Carpooling
- Public transport
- No smoking: it is bad for health, for the lungs.

French stories

     Once upon a time a little girl named Liana was taking a walk in the forest. She was an orphan and lived in the wild.
One day some polluters came littering in the water. Liane was hiding behind a leave and saw the whole scene from a distance.
A little cat said, "we have to find a solution and I have one : I have a friend who can help us."
The little girl bowed her head and said "why not? ". The cat went to get his friend the rabbit.
"Rabbit , is the cat your friend ? " Liane asked ," Yes , of course, " said the rabbit .
The rabbit said, " I have an idea. I 'm going to get my friend the horse"
- " And what will he do? " Liane said .
- " Uh ... oh yeah ! he will crush the polluters, he will go to get the police and the polluters will go to jail . "
The problem solved, friends proposed to Liane if she would like to live in the burrow.

"Yes ," said Liane . And at night, the friends had a party.


The clean dragon

     Once upon a time there was a dragon named Clarence who was very clean and used too much water. He lived above the volcano. One day, another dragon said to him : "you use all the hot water and I have nothing left ." So Clarence decided to wash once a day. They both lived happily above the volcano.

      Once upon a time a rabbit lived near a lake. One day, an ogre came to the lake. He had products in his hands and put them in the water. The ogre polluted the water with his products : detergent and washing powder. The rabbit cleaned water through a machine given by a magician friend, a monkey.
The monkey cursed the ogre to punish him and sent him very very far.

Once upon a time there was a griffin who was polluting the nature. He put the garbage in the water.  All the animals were dissatisfied. One day they called their friend Kolos the giant. Kolos  came and beat the griffin who left for another country.
Kolos brought a vacuum cleaner and sucked all the garbage. Everyone congratulated him.

Once upon a time a magical fish lived in the Pacific Ocean. He had golden scales and he loved jumping out of the water. But one day the water began to turn yellow-brown.  Quickly the fish used his magical powers to breathe at the surface.
He saw a Mermaid and her friend the Unicorn. The Mermaid,  the Unicorn and the fish  knew that only the griffin dared pollute the water. With his magic, the magical fish cleaned the water.
While the Mermaid and the Unicorn attracted the Griffin near a tree on the shore, the fish took a big stick and jumped out of the water to hit  and knock Griffin. 
Then they burnt him and they lived happily until the end of their life.

Friday 15 November 2013

The Finnish Stories

Water story
Once upon a time there was a creature whose name was Waterdrop. It went jogging in the morning. It went to the water plant. It looked at the water and the water was dirty! Waterdrop said to the manager that the water is dirty. The manager came to see the water and it was truly dirty. The manager promised to clean the water. And Waterdrop became happy. It went home.
Aleksi, class 2
Translated by the class 6

One day children´s schoolday ended. Jami walked home. He walked by the lake. Jami had a wrapping of a sweet in his hand. He threw it to the lake. When Jami got home his sister was going to swim in the lake. When she came home she asked Jami: “Do you know, who has thrown rubbish on the shore?” Jami said: “I don´t know.” When the children were eating in the evening Jami said he was guilty.
Paula, class 2
Translated by the teacher

Water Stories from Finland

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Water stories from Germany

The Speaking Water Drop

Once upon a time, there was a little girl that didn’t like to take a bath, even if it was so dirty.
“In you go into the bathtub”, scolded it’s Mum. You can imagine who the little girl was: it was me.
“No, no, and again no”, I shouted back and locked myself up in my room.
Being there all alone, I noticed a smell all around me, when suddenly two eyes out of a green face stared at me. It was a little dragon wrinkling its nose.
“You have to take a bath?” “Yes”, I answered, trembling. “My name is Olchi, and what is your name?”, it asked in a friendly voice. “I’m Paula.”
“Do you know what? Just go into the bathroom and start running a bath!” Paula went into the bathroom, plugged in the tub and turned on the tap.
When the first water drops came out, a speaking chorus was heard: “Don’t take a bath, don’t take a bath!”  Paula couldn’t believe her ears, first the little speaking dragon, now the water drops.
While the bath was running, again she listened to the voices: “Don’t take a bath, don’t take a bath!”, they shouted when one single drop of water just jumped powerless upon Paula’s hand.
 It cheeped quietly: “If you take a bath it needs too much water, just take a shower, o.k.? You can help protecting our planet!”
I answered: „If this is the case, I prefer to take a shower!”
When I had finished, I went into the living room, to say “Good Night” to my Mum. She was so astonished when she saw me pretty and good smelling.
 “Good girl you are, and you see, it isn’t so bad taking a bath anyway! “, she said to me.
If only she knew ……

The little Water Drop
Once upon a time, there was a tiny little drop of water, that lived at the beach and that liked the waves very much. One stormy day, when the sea was really rough, the little water drop became very scared and blacked out.
The next day, when it awoke, it found himself in the middle of the open wide sea. What should he do now?
He came to know the beautiful underwater world; he met fish in bright shining colors and shapes, so that he forgot about his home at the beach and swam with the new friends in the sea.
He felt strong and happy with all the other water drops around him in the big ocean.
Then they discovered a huge oil spill on the surface of the water…
“Danger! Danger! An oil tanker has lost a lot of oil, we must save the fish! They are all in big danger!!”
All the drops of water set up a big team and built the shape of a huge wave, so they could help the fish to drift into a cleaner territory of the sea. They were all saved at last!!
Now the water drops were really tired and they had a rest.
After they had evaporated, they all reached the sky.
There it was very cozy and as the little drop of water had been working so hard, it fell in a nice deep sleep at once.

Monday 11 November 2013

Water stories from Poland

Water books made by Polish children

Drops' Adventures by Maciej
The rain drop with its friends was swimming in the lake.
Suddenly, the sun appeared and warmed the water. The drops started to evaporate and float higher and higer...
Till it saw a bunch of its sisters and brothers in the form of clouds.
Soon they were with tchem.
Ater some time drops were falling down...
And they fell on the ground and at the same time, they watered it up.
Water Drop by Iza
Once upon a time, the rain dropped from the sky in the afternoon. One drop dropped on a beautiful flower with the green. It met a small butterfly on the flower. They made friends and named themselves nicknames. And they lived happily ever after.

Essays frm Poland

Nature protection

Nature is needed for life and functioning of all organisms.
People eat vegetables and fruit which come from nature.
It is also necessary to produce for example paper.
Nature is also necessary for us to live every day. Plants produce oxygen which we couldn't live without.
Nature, we can't denny, is very useful and changes a lot in our world.

Marcelina, Marysia, Gabrysia, age 11

How to save energy

We use energy every day. We use different kinds of energy and we use it too often.
So we must save it!
Firstly, natural resources of energy will end up in the future. For example: gas, coal, water, wind, oil.
Secondly, using too much energy causes pollution of air, water, soil...
And thethird argument is that too much energy costs a lot!
REmember them!
Using too much energy isn't beneficial for the environment, animals and us!
Maciej, age 11

Monday 4 November 2013

The Life Cycle of a Frog

In winter the frogs sleep at the bottom of the pond.

In spring frogs lay eggs in the cold water. After ten days little tadpoles come out of the eggs.

In summer the tadpoles swim in the pond. They eat the water plants. But beetles, snakes and birds like to eat tadpoles!

In autumn the tadpoles eat leaves and swim in the water. In winter they hide in the mud. And they sleep.

When spring comes again, the tadpoles wake up. Small hind legs begin to grow.

Then the front legs begin to grow too.

In summer the tail gets smaller. The mouth and the eyes get bigger.

When the tail has gone, the tadpole is a frog.

The frog can now sit on the water lilies. It catches worms, spiders and more insects with its long sticky tongue.

From class 3, Berkersheimer Schule

Protect Plants and the Forest

People are cutting down the trees and are burning the forest. The rainforest is becoming smaller. The home of many animals of the rainforest is in danger. Dont't cut or burn the trees of the Amazonian rainforest!

Trees are very important for our health and for the health of our planet.

They are the lungs of our earth. They give us oxygene. They absorb carbondioxide.

We need to protect trees in our region, our country, our world.

From classes 4a und 4b in Berkersheimer Schule, Germany

Essays about Animals - The Threatened Species

The elephant is in danger because people hunt it for its tusks.

The gorilla is in danger because people are cutting down forests and the jungle is getting smaller.

The polar bear is in danger because the ice in the Arctic is melting.

The whale is in danger because people hunt it for its meat and because of the global warming.

The tiger is in danger because people hunt it for its fur.

The field hamster is in danger bcause of farming machines.

From class 4a and 4b in Berkersheimer Schule, Germany