Tuesday 23 April 2013


Today we received a little book with photos, names and informations about children in our partner schools in France and Poland.

There are also nice little stickers and pictures inside that give information about well-known places and typical food in our neighbour countries.

We had a lot of fun exploring the countries while rummaging around the notebooks.
At last we added photos and pictures from us.
Perhaps we will have pen friends from our partner schools one day!
Very interesting partner-information!
The pupils in Frankufurt-Berkersheim enjoyed the lesson.

Monday 22 April 2013

Sunday 21 April 2013

Early spring in Poland

The first flowers

The strong spring sun wakes plants and trees to grow.

Children are ready to play outside.

The school playground is getting greener with the early grass.

Science week in Poland

Polish children have checked if the water in the nearby pond is polluted.

The children have compared clean spring water and the water taken from the pond.

The pond water has been unclear, dirty and full of small particles. 

 The children have noticed some dirty empty plastic and glass bottles in the pond. Next to them, the first spring flowers try to cover the sadness of the polluted water.